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Category: Uncategorized

Back Bar

Like many people, if I won Lotto I’d like to own a pub / bar /restaurant. I’d be terrible at it in terms of management,…

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The Refugees Ate Out

Current political constructs are ill-equipped to deal with a situation that requires fast-thinking and spending lots of money (perhaps wastefully). Australia has the same structural…

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When I am bored I give myself mental challenges. Nine times out of ten I achieve nothing. Today is a good day, I live in…

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In this snowflake age, it is becoming more and more important to separate art from the artist. Polanski being a pedophile doesn’t make his movies…

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Tiny Homes

Here’s a quick opinion. I love tiny homes. My one-bedroom apartment has a relatively huge living area – enough rom for a second bedroom –…

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Rivers choose to be curvyKeeping the temperature just right* Coasts, women, nature, curve Space curves, says Einstein We/she curls/curves hairAnd then straightens it Twirl

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