These are candidates for posters on my wall… The 12th century Ladder of Divine Ascent icon (Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt) showing monks, led…
Comments closedCategory: Magic
The Easiest It IsThe More It Gives If you study Chaos Magick then you will understand that ultimately there is a singular core concept.Will something…
Comments closedFlirt with the bouncer?Or stride right in? This post is about magic. I’ll keep saying this – magic is a weak force with limited capabilities.…
Comments closedA note to self… if I run out of books to write, this is next. Ritual takes all shapes and forms. Watch Rafael Nadal when…
Comments closedI Identify As a Trickster. Fur real. In this modern era we can identify with whatever we want, and see if society lets us. Or…
Comments closedI just dreamt this… half of the examples have dissipated already. Writing it down ASAP. The dream ended with someone building it into computer software.…
Comments closedI have written a few times previously about magic being real, powered by a weak force called care. Short explanation is the home field advantage,…
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