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Hakuna Matata

I’m very emotional right now. My dad has done some amazing things, but his passion is creating a champion racehorse, trying to. His first real success was Marwini who raced when I was a teenager, and won a race with a massive gold cup that I see every time I visit my parents.

Marwini was named after my Dad’s mum – Margaret Winifred. Ever since then I have always put extra thought into names. Names carry weight and importance.

Marwini had a baby called Kaua’i. Which is a Hawaiian island I have cherished memories from. Named well before I went there.

Kaua’i had a baby called Dutowin who, from memory, never won

Dutowin had a baby called Kate. The simplicity of her name (inspired by Kate Middleton) gave her fans, it is the equivalent of calling a TV service Stan. Kate was Dad’s best performing horse ever, and I had the honour of watching her in the Oaks at Flemington from the Owners’ Stand. She was injured and didn’t win…

Kate has a baby, now 3 years old, called Hakuna Matata. That is Swahili for “no worries”, made famous by The Lion King.I think it is beautiful that an elderly NZ man who has pretty much never travelled overseas, and won’t eat food like curry or pasta because it is “foreign muck” can be so worldly and cool. And the baby won her first race last week.

I no longer watch or support horse racing, but to see Dad’s 5th generation of breeding win a race, with such a beautiful name, has me happily tearful.

My Dad once named a horse who had a legendary status in Australia. Richard Cranium (dick head). Names are special and parents should put more effort into naming their children. Don’t force your kid to spell their name to others every day of their life!

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