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The Perfect Day

Last night I got quite wasted and dreamt of a long sleep in.

6:00 – And I am wide awake, a sleep failure. Watch the ABC news

7:00 – Remember to watch an hour of compelling Internet TV.

8:00 – Refried pork belly (in a pan of lamb fat), with rustic (skin still) mashed potatoes refried to golden crunchy edges

9:00 – Off to work on a heaving tram. By design I live at the first stop, easy seating.

11:00 – I attend a meeting about promoting super yacht hire to billionaires

12:00 – Pork belly rolls / yeah baby! (it is basically healthy bacon…)

13:00 – Devise a system to save my employer from being sued

18:00 – Drink 1 litre of wine in 30 minutes

19:00 – Pool comp at the most Kiwi pub in South Eastern Melbourne. I don’t mean full of Kiwis

20:00 – Murmurs that I am too good for their comp, after witnessing my clinical, rapid, dazzling brilliance, barely beating my best friend

21:00 – Play like fluff, we leave

22:00 – More clinical, rapid, dazzling brilliance, people cheering and patting my back – at a new pub

23:00 – Sue tells me about how she got a driver’s license in Saudi Arabia

24:00 – Got stoned with friends old and new with a very special, ancient tree.

1:00 – Nightclubbing with an elderly Aboriginal man. The bouncers didn’t dare not let us in


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