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The Easiest It Is

The Easiest It Is
The More It Gives

If you study Chaos Magick then you will understand that ultimately there is a singular core concept.
Will something to happen without trying
It is likely commanding someone to not think about a particular thing.

We are so used to effort = reward that we have no skills regarding not trying.

I have managed it a few times, but once it works, you are screwed. The knowledge that it works spoils the next attempt. You need to be ambivalent. Aloof. Detached.
Some magick comes easily without trying.
Love and care are forms of magick. Because they tend to be permanently in the background, without any particular focus, that gives them power. By the way, care is a weak force. It can have an effect, but it is like adding a 10-year-old boy to a an adult tug-of-war. It can help decide something that was on the verge of happening anyway. It can tip the balance for someone tossing up between A and B. 

My mother is ill with COVID. I don’t pray, so I said to my sister I will send caring thoughts. And then I realised that, in the background, that is a constant anyway, long-term, unfocused love and care. Additional, focused love and care won’t work. Prayers don’t work.
The best love and care,. that has the most magickal power, is in the background and lacks focus. The lack of focus is a requirement. So unless you are a ninja magician, trust that what you care about deep down will do its job. No need for prayers or rituals. 

Published in Magic