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The Updated Bible (thanks, God!)

A spokesperson said the church had been exploring the use of gendered language in relation to God for several years.

I don’t mind this. Various religions have said for a long time that they call God a he, but he could be anything. Just like texts say “man” when they mean “all humans”.

So if religion can update, what about the holy book it hinges on?

Allegedly some/most/all of the Bible was dictated by God.

Presuming he is still around and caring about us, and as an all-seeing-god he knows what’s up, then he must realise that the Bible needs a bit of a refresh.

So, where is that? Even though many thousands of Christians are certifiably crazy, not one has been noticed as receiving new, updated scripture from God.

Also, no Popes, priests, televangelists, bishops or pastors have said they have heard the new words.

Religion needs an update and “God” seems to have done a runner.

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