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Apple: With Me Or Agin Me?

Each year I intend to buy the new iPhone, I just want to future-proof it by having mmWave 5G. I don’t keep phones for just a two-year cycle…

They have had it in the US – same iPhones – for a couple of years. Google introduced it to Australia with the Pixel 6 Pro last year. It is totally do-able.

Of course it has a camera beyond my needs. And an emergency satellite messaging system that only works if you aim the phone correctly and hold your mouth a certain way. I think I’ll pass 🙂

My iPhone 6S is on its last legs. Battery is all over the place, and has just entered the realm of cannot be updated. So a new phone is a must. It did well though – $339 for a refurbished one and it lasted me 4 years. That’s $85 per year, or, the same as paying $850 for a phone that lasts 10 years…

So I have looked at refurbished iPhones and considered the most bang for buck, with a camera that takes good enough pics for an amateur like me. I decided on the iPhone X for around $400.

But then something wonderful happened… I searched how good the camera was, and ranking high was a iPhone X vs Pixel 3 camera comparison (they are roughly equal).

And a refurbished Pixel 3 is only around $220.

So that’s the next phone. Good enough for very nice holiday snaps, and should last me 4 years. Meanwhile the $1400+ I didn’t spend on the iPhone 14 can be put to better use.

Published in Tech