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A Whip Around for Climate Change

Apparently it will only cost $1 trillion a year to suck enough carbon from the air to avert climate change. Or US$1.25 per person on the planet.

Carbon capture machines are now being made, and they are expensive to run – because carbon makes up a tiny amount of our atmosphere, the equivalent of a drop in an Olympic size pool. Current prices are $750 for a ton of carbon but at scale it could be $100 per ton.

But even if that bears out, multiply $100 by even a single gigaton—barely enough to make a dent in our annual emissions—and you’re talking about $100 billion. (The National Academy of Sciences has estimated that by 2050 we need to be removing at least 10 gigatons of carbon. Every year.) That’s on top of the hundreds of billions of dollars that would be required to build the plants themselves.

So, why not ask everyone on the planet to chip in $1.25. Wealthy people can cover many people from a poor country, for extra kudos. Seems like an easy way to fix what is the #1 cause of concern for most people.

Of course not emitting it to start with needs to also happen, and maybe is less likely to happen if we have an easy solution.

Published in Eco