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My Spectrum of News Sources

I am so not in a filter bubble. I purposely get my news from right across the spectrum, at each extreme and in the middle. Here are some examples:


The Epoch Times. Owned by the Falun Gong folk. Very anti-Chinese government, so a good source for news from China. Otherwise pro-West, right wing. No fake news. A good place to spot news other services miss.

Freedom’s Phoenix. A 3-times daily summary of conspiracy theory type stuff, with some crypto, prepping, off-grid and right wing opinion

Very Right

  • Ben Shapiro / The Daily Wire
  • Luke Rudkowski / We Are Change (entertaining, loves the conspiracies)
  • Reason
  • ZeroHedge


  • NY Times


  • HuffPost
  • Daily Beast
  • ABC News, The Age, New Daily (AU)
  • The Daily Skimm
  • The Atlantic


  • Washington Post

Very Left

  • Democracy Now!
  • ProPublica
  • Naked Capitalism
  • Morning Star (Scotland)
  • The Progressive
  • The Intercept

Watching the Media

Ground News – shows how much the right and left report the same stories

Published in Uncategorized