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Two Rants About Gambling

We have pubs that have “gaming” lounges. It isn’t gaming, it is gambling. Actually it isn’t even that, it is basically handing your money over to watch the worst cartoon ever, on a loop. And for the same cost per hour you could get a massage, eat at a fancy restaurant, fly overseas or drink champagne in a night club.

And we have people who “invest” in something, like cryptocurrency. If it was a true investment, when you hand over your $1000, someone receives it and uses it to hire more staff or buy better machinery. But no, what you call investing is actually gambling. Someone quit gambling on something (the seller) and you buy it off them. Your doing this makes no difference to whether its value will go up or down. All you can do is hope that your gamble pays off.

People don’t invest in a home. They take a gamble that they bought when prices rise more than average, and hope they didn’t choose a time when they go backwards. All they can do is watch.

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