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Self-Care is Magical

I have written a few times previously about magic being real, powered by a weak force called care. Short explanation is the home field advantage, where a weak force of caring that your team wins, times thousands of people, can be worth a few points.

I have just re-organised and tidied my apartment and figured that in doing so I might be inviting people into my life, in general.

Then I realised care might not only work magically when projected onto others, but also for the self. We know that “self care” is quite hop these days, but generally it means recognising problems and taking care of them.

I am well aware that people find confidence appealing. I know if I buy some special new clothes or shoes (rare for me to think of such things as special) that I get a noticeable boost of confidence, people pick up on it.

What if it is not confidence that people notice? What if they pick up on the magical energy of care, but this type is self care?

Confidence can have negative aspects – over-confidence, vanity, ego etc. But self-care I figure is the magic of looking after and improving yourself. I am going to try and differentiate between the two going forward, see what I can discover.

When someone enters my apartment for the first time, they don’t know if it has recently improved. They don’t know what works best for me, personally (maybe messy is what I need). But they can feel the weak force that is self-care.

Published in Magic