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The Dream House (synopsis)

Maybe the title is The Dream House

This is the result of my analysing of a dream that is the result of me trying a magical impossibility – being so engrossed in a house I want to buy that the universe will let me win Lotto. If I pull it off people will say it was a fluke 🙁

Story starts now:

I use magic to try and buy a house via a Lotto win. The magic is basically staring at the flyer and stalking the house and going to every open for inspection, even though the real estate agents sense (from my dress and demeanour) that I can’t afford it. In terms of bedrooms, bathrooms, location, fixtures and fittings it is ordinary. But everyone who sees this house falls in love with it.

Each open for inspection there is a couple with an annoying daughter who is dressed oddly, datedly. But each time the daughter is the same but the parents are different. The daughter never interacts with anyone, and is melancholy.

After each inspection, as I leave the house, the real estate agents are not at the entrance, there is no flag saying “open for inspection” and the street is different. With each inspection, the street includes aspects from a prior time, more so each time. Cars and passersby are from a different era, the closed corner store is open and busy…Some of the “ghosts” I walk by acknowledge me and tell me to go home.

Each time, when I reach the end of the street I am back to normality. I sense that my experience was proof that my magic was working, and I obsess over the property brochure much more.

Days later I attend the auction. There is a final inspection before it starts, and when I enter, the daughter is there again. This time she manages to speak to me and says she needs my help. The moment I agree I am transported back in time to her era. Like most ghost stories, I am merely an observer and cannot interact in any way. I see the girl tied down on a bed, and surrounded by experimental equipment. They are extracting something from her and putting it in jars, it is her life force.

Meanwhile we learn:

The house was built by an eccentric billionaire who is obsessed with immortality. His house is highly unusual:

  • embodies the golden ratio
  • has magic mushrooms growing in the walls
  • numerous chanting rituals during construction

The house is being sold because the billionaire’s people have learned that a highway is soon to be built there… and it will be demolished.

The billionaire thought he could harvest some of the life force of his granddaughter and use it to stay alive. Unfortunately he took too much and she ended up in a coma.

In the current time, he is 130 and still alive, barely. He cannot move and watches TV all day. We see him smile occasionally but that is the most he can interact with the world.

In the current time, the granddaughter is in the room next door, in suspended animation. This ghost story has no deaths, no scares, and nobody truly evil. To be exciting it needs those to be addressed. Probably the billionaire’s henchmen search his house, follow him, observe his rituals and report it, then try to kill him.

To spice things up, our hero shares his story online. Trying to win Lotto via open for inspections is odd and meme-worthy. A woman who stalks him online realises that she can meet him at the open for inspections, and does, and follows him home. She becomes the confidant, who gets to hear everything he learns about the house. And probably saves him some how.

The billionaire funds a hospital wing with his name on it. That is where he and his suspended animation granddaughter are. Our hero feeds/injects the remaining life force to the granddaughter and she wakes up. The billionaire continues to watch TV.

If this ends up different… For a happy ending, his witch friend goes to the last place he was seen (the house) and breaks down sobbing. She appears in his older time and asks him to come back. Preferably her magic includes torturing real estate agents, everyone would like to see that 🙂

Different movie idea: Maybe solar panels start awakening ghosts??

Different movie idea: ghosts “drag” you back to their time

Upon further exploration, I know what this is…

A Howard Hughes type (are to use the actual him?) is a loner in an apartment dedicated to staying alive. This much everyone knows. But he tires if that, of course, so he has a country cottage that uses the same magic:

  • Alchemy
  • Feng Shui
  • The Golden Mean
  • Fungi woven in the walls, perhaps
  • Sacrificed beings, perhaps
  • And an almighty ritual

Anyone who lives in the cottage lives forever. But if they leave, time catches up with them, to a degree. Hughes got back to his apartment super quick in a special car.

The shimmering life of the cottage made it incredibly appealing to anyone who encountered it. They wanted in, but guards stopped them.

Hughes made the mistake of inviting his favourite niece to visit the cottage, and once it she did not want to leave. Hughes and her parents tried everything they could to get her to leave, short of forcibly, and before it came to that she died in the cottage.

She hugged a wall and it responded and loved back and squeezed the life from her.

Decades later the house was up for auction, and because everyone who ever saw it, loved it, it made the news.

Back to the start of this post…

Unlike most ghost stories, it is not the story that keeps people in the world between worlds, but simply their love of the house. And then our hero chooses to magically love the house, to win Lotto, and everything opens up.

When Amy connects with our hero, he sees the house in terms of loving the inhabitants. But outside reverts to when Amy was alive.

The new owners are Christians, and immune. It pisses off Amy and Hero so much they put effort into spooking them

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