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Party Time Somewhere, Soon?

We are mostly out of lockdown and I am socialising again. It’s all good, but mostly I have been having earnest discussions. What has not happened in my life for a long time (ie during the pandemic) is joy. Unstoppable grinning. It will come, of course.

I am severely frustrated by not being able to plan overseas trips. Of course I can research, but it lacks excitement if I can’t book it the next day. So to double-down on the frustration and misery, I have researched which festivals I would like to go to, thanks to Lonely Planet’s book on the topic.

Here are some festivals I was unaware of, that I will keep in the back of my mind:

Galway International Oyster Festival – I have zero interest in oysters, but I love Galway, and visiting for what is basically a massive pub crawl sounds perfect.

Las Fallas, Valencia – Spring equinox, fireworks, giant effigies, and a Spanish city I have not been to.

Westmann Islands Festival – Iceland is a place I’m sure to visit one day, so this is a good excuse. It is a 3-day outdoor music festival, but in a volcanic crater 🙂

Winter Carnival, Quebec – I prefer festivals at that time of year, and I have just realised that while I am learning French for no particular reason, the reason doesn’t need to be fulfilled in France itself.

La Diablada, Puno, Peru – In my ancient history research, Lake Titicaca came up regularly, and a Devil festival is a good reason to make an overdue visit.

Esala Perahera, Kandy, Sri Lanka – Lonely Planet says in terms of noise, colour and crowds there is nothing else like it. Using tourist dollars you can get a room that overlooks the parades, instead of claiming a spot on street 5 hours before.

Bun Bang Fai Festival, Vientiane, Laos – home-made rockets, enough said.

Festivals mentioned that I have been to in the past include Edinburgh Festival (x3), Glastonbury, Melbourne Cup (x4), Calgary Stampede, Notting Hill Carnival and St Patrick’s Day (in Ireland)

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