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Dice Man 2024 – AI Enhanced

The novel Dice Man had a profound effect on my younger self, and I ended up carrying the same die in my pocket for decades. Sometimes I used it religiously, especially when travelling. Once, aimless in London, with 8 weeks to kill, I headed off on a totally random adventure. Given all of the UK as a potential destination I ended up in the Lake District, and then was kidnapped by a psychopath (he went to prison for it). The die decided my fate.

Fast-forward to 2024 and it has crossed my mind that instead of choosing 6 potentials and rolling the dice (or sometimes 6×6 potentials), AI could be used instead. You’d need an AI that can do this:

Me: Hey AI, what sort of meal should I eat tonight? You know what I have eaten in the last two years. Choose one for me, based on it being Tuesday, it is a rainy winter night, and I ate Indian last night.

AI: Well Bob, there are many possibilities, here are six ideas for you…

Me: Can you choose just one for me please, right now. No need to explain how you decided

AI: Cook a Thai Red Curry, and have cookies and cream ice cream for dessert.

And after a few times doing that, I can just say dinner? and it will tell me. Then extrapolate that to all decisions in life. Work, relationships, travel, entertainment. And do everything the AI says, knowing it will get some things wrong.

Published in Travel