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In the Footsteps of Lesser Greatness

This is just an idea for a movie or novel, regarding a guy (write what you know) who theorises that great people and great deeds leave lingering energy that can be absorbed by anyone in the same place (but later, or earlier?) that the greatness occurred.

The absorption of greatness is rationed out according to the number of people who occupy that space, in reverence, over all time.

That’s his theory anyway, so he seeks places where great people or deeds happened, and few people have visited with reverence. That means things not so famous, or not so accessible (think the North Pole).

Hence Lesser Greatness.

The story is a sequence of locations that our guy gets to, like ticking off a bucket list. He is clearly autistic, via his incredible research skills, obsession and single-mindedness.

What is interesting is the philosophy. He is empty and looking to find himself, like many a young adult. And he will find himself in unexpected encounters and lessons.

One of the “greats” will be his favorite, and the end scenario combines all that he has learned from his journeys, and aspects of his hero.

It will be a short, episodical book, because even a short story is too hard for me 🙂

Charles Darwin visited Northland, New Zealand, and instead of staying in his port of call, full of ruffians and drunken sailors, he walked many miles through bushland to stay at the Waimate Mission, a church purposefully located to avoid the same things young Darwin was avoiding. His journey was guided by a sequence of Norfolk Pine trees planted to show the way.

The overarching theme is looking for meaning when there is none.
The pull is little hints that meaning is there, but never provable. Hints and teases.
Live life.

His walks, journeys, reenactments, are in the now. The past looked different. We can highlight how civilization has made things less good

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