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Desire – A Superhero Mythology

The worst addicts
If they live
Can be heroes

There is a mutation in the gene that drives desire, that gives people more of that desire.

For most, they descend into a pit of drunk, alcohol, power or sex. Few of the most survive. Few of the survivors will turn the corner.

One did, the original. He/she/they ate a mushroom in a frenzy of desire and their mutation flipped a switch – they desired for others instead of themselves.

They had the desire and the extraordinary capacity to achieve their goals. A super-hero.

After decades/centuries of being heroic they realised that their power might be repeatable in others (maybe one day they desire to turn everyone into them, hubris!).

They find the worst of (living) addicts and secretly do a blood test (like needle spiking, but reverse), to find anyone with the same mutation. When they do, they are inducted, X-Men style. And offered the enhancement that will turn their self-desire to desire for the greater good.

The internal logic of this is excellent, and the redemption is awesome.

I feel like their superpowers are aligned to getting the job done. Nothing super-super, but more than normal. Heightened influencing of others. Extra speed and strength. Greater critical thinking. More focus…

Simply, more, effort.

Published in Writing