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Alien Family Invasion (dream)

It’s not usually hard to decipher my dreams. The English royal family are always in the news, I am watching Succession, Rick and Morty and the Solar Opposites…

Simultaneously around the world, five alien beings make themselves known – they look like us but they are green (meh).

I was at one, it was a superhero movie premiere, with the actual superheroes present.

Turns out that the 5 aliens are a father and his 4 children. They have the ability/power to complete take over our planet and change how we exist. Each kid has a different idea of what that involves. One is a greenie/leftie/environmentalist. Another is a brutalist communist. One wants to create a master race, and so on.

Dad trumps them all by staging a press conference with the Queen (of England). Turns out they have been here secretly for many years, planning their takeover, and the Queen was in on it.


That was my third to last dream (I’m getting better at this). The next one was in a repeated, fictional small town where I argue with my partner and she storms off to a nightclub, and I spend the night chatting to rebellious kids and homeless people.

Just before awaking I was visiting a friend who lived on the top floor of a 5-storey apartment building. But access was rickety bamboo ladders and I had giant boots on (think Gene Simmons). Just before heading up I realised I should take a book with me, in case she isn’t home. But where is my book? …and I woke up.

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