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Local Day

We have months of non-drinking or growing a beard, and every day is a something day, like Lesbian Cyclist Day…

This is a confronting concept, that takes people out of their comfort zones, in their zone. It is a riff on the idea that we don’t know our neighbours. It will work best in cities, and least in rural communities where people do actually know each other.

Spend one full day – from when you wake up until when you fall asleep – in your town or suburb, and very importantly not at home and not with friends.

You can’t take any entertainment with you (like books) and your phone can only be used to record/share your day. It is preferable that you do share your day. But you cannot respond.

No part of the day can be pre-meditated. Ideally you only learn it is your local day when you wake up. Ideally it is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

You can’t take food or drink with you, not even water.

You cannot stay at the same place for more than one hour.

If that isn’t wonderful enough (I will test it real soon), I suggest mandating it. Everyone gets an additional one day of annual leave for a Local Day. They are not required to do anything, but expect friends and family to ask. You are free to say, you know what, my local area isn’t for me, I just watched TV.

I guarantee everyone who does this will grow as a person.

Bonus point: people will learn to spot people wandering around looking a bit out-of-place, recognise it is their Local Day, and say hi.

Acknowledge – alcohol might be a facilitator.

Team up? say a suburb/town has 10,000 people. That is 27 people per day doing the Local Day. Maybe they could choose to join forces??

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