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2 Half-baked ideas

Late, not sober…

  1. Security Roller Doors

Think parts of LA where stores pull-down metal roller doors when they are closed. At best they are a benign nothing in the streetscape. At worst they are covered in graffiti

To beautify the streetscape in these neighbourhoods, all we need is paint. The artists and their time would be free. They could even choose to buy half of the paint…

2. Circle Run

Think of a long basketball court that curves, inclines upwards – enough to be taxing when running through.

The surface is a random collection of circles, with 5 different sizes (and their own colours), randomly situated, until no more will fit.

The competitor runs from one end to the other (maybe 70 metres) and tries to avoid stepping on the biggest. Any circle stepped on will cause negative points, but the biggest cost the more, even relative to size. The aim is to step only on the smallest circles possible.

The score is 80% based on circles stepped on, and 20% time taken to complete.

(it inclines so runners can see the patterns ahead of them)

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