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My Ideal Restaurant/Bar

Upstairs is a venue with pool tables, pinball, a variety of seating, bar and stage. It is always open, even when super quiet.

Downstairs is a pleasant restaurant and with a separate entrance, takeaway. Rent is expensive so downstairs is open for breakfast/lunch/dinner (less rent per hour open).

Restaurant and takeaway serve the same core food, same kitchen. The takeaway side is low cost / high turnover (less rent per item sold).

Example – takeaway sells cheap hot dogs for $2, gourmet hot dogs (as in proper sausages) for $4. In the restaurant the same sausages (2X) are served with mash and veggies for $15.

The focus is on low prep items. A $2 hotdog takes no time to put together.

And leftovers! If you have unsold sausages (precooked for quick takeout) they end up in that night’s pasta or pizza.

Pizza ready to go on one side of the joint, freshly cooked on the other, with free garlic bread and alcohol available for seated customers.

Innovation: takeaway big breakfast. You can’t put 5 items (including egg) in a single container or box. So invent a container that suits. Plenty of people would want delivered big breakfasts.

Innovation: ultra-local delivery. $2 but you must be within 5 minutes walk.

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